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BSc physics objective questions 02

Bsc physics important objective questions BRABU Bihar university. Special theory of relativity important objective questions.


Special theory of relativity

Einstein's mass energy relation is given as ?

  1. E = mc²
  2. E = c²/m
  3. E = m/c²
  4. E = mc

Answer:- 1

The rest energy E⁰ of photon in Mev is ?

  1. 837.5 Mev
  2. 800 Mev
  3. 93.75 Mev
  4. 937.5 Mev

Answer:- 4

Doppler effect in light depends only on the relative velocity of source and observer the reason for this is ?

  1. Photoelectric effect
  2. Invariance of speed of light
  3. Diffraction of light
  4. Einstein's mass energy relation

Answer:- 2

A rod moving parallel to its length with velocity v relative to an observer appears to be  constructed by a factor of

  1. [1 - (v/c)]¹/²
  2. [1 - (v/c)]·¹/²
  3. [1 - (v/c)²]-¹/²
  4. [1 - (v/c)²]¹/²

Answer:- 3

First Postulate of special theory of relativity states that

  1. laws of Physics are same in all non inertial frame of reference
  2. Laws of Physics are same in all inertial frame of reference
  3. Laws of Physics are different in different frame of reference
  4. None of these

Answer:- 2

second postulate of special theory of relativity states that

  1. speed of light in free space is same in all inertial frame of reference
  2. speed of light in free space is different for different frame of reference
  3. It is the principle of constancy of speed
  4. Both 1 and 2

Answer:- 1

The volume of a cube of edge length 1 m moving in one dimension with velocity 0.6 c is is ?

  1. 0.5 m²
  2. 0.6 m²
  3. 0.8 m²
  4. 1 m²

Answer:- 3

if total energy of a body is E it is equivalent to an inertial mass ?

  1. E/C²
  2. E/C
  3. EC
  4. EC²

Answer:- 1

A force which does not really exist that appears only due to the relative acceleration of the frame of reference is called ?

  1. Active force
  2. Relative force
  3. Fictitious force
  4. None of the above

Answer:- 3

The construction in the length of an object along its direction of motion is called ?

  1. Einstein's construction
  2. Maxis construction
  3. Lorentz-fitzgeralds construction
  4. None of the above

Answer:- 3

A fictitious force

  1. Cannot be felt
  2. acts upon two bodies
  3. appears due to acceleration of frame
  4. None of the above

Answer:- 3

The speed at which the mass of moving particles becomes double of its rest mass is ?

  1. 3/2 c
  2. √3/2 c
  3. √2 c
  4. None of the above

Answer:- 2

The momentum of a massless particle is given by ?

  1. E/C
  2. E/C²
  3. EC
  4. EC²

Answer:- 1

What is the speed of particle if its total energy is equal to double of its rest mass energy ?

  1. 0.666c
  2. 0.766 c
  3. 0.866 c
  4. None of the above

Answer:- 3

The kinetic energy of a particle of rest mass m⁰ moving with a velocity v which is of the order of velocity of light is ?

  1. m⁰v²
  2. m⁰/v²
  3. m - m⁰
  4. 1/2 m⁰v²

Answer:- 3

The mass of a photon of energy E moving with speed C is ?

  1. E/C
  2. E/C²
  3. EC
  4. EC²

Answer:- 2

If the energy of a photon is E, its momentum will be

  1. E/C
  2. E/C²
  3. EC
  4. EC²

Answer:- 1

Any velocity V added relativistically to the velocity of light C give the result ?

  1. C
  2. 2C
  3. 1/2 C²

Answer:- 1

The velocity at which the mass of a particle becomes 1.25 times of the rest mass will be ?

  1. 1.5 x 10⁸ m)s
  2. 3.6 x 10⁸ m/s
  3. 2.0 x 10¹⁰ m/s
  4. 1.8 x 10⁸ m/s

Answer:- 4

Relativistic momentum (p) and energy (E) of a particle are related as

  1. E² = p²C² - mg.²C⁴
  2. E² = p²C² - mg.²C⁴
  3. E² = p²C² - mg.²C⁴
  4. E² = mg.²C⁴ + p²C²

Answer:- 2

The mass and energy of a particle are related as

  1. E = m²c
  2. E = mc²
  3. E = mc
  4. E = m²c²

Answer:- 2

The rest mass of an electron is n⁰ when it moves with a speed 0.6 then its mass will be

  1. m⁰
  2. (5/4) m⁰
  3. (4/5) m⁰
  4. 2 m⁰

Answer:- 2

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