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BRABU Previous year solution (Bsc Maths)

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On this page I am going to provide you with the solution of previous year questions of BSc maths honours (BRABU Bihar university Muzaffarpur). All the solutions are done both as video as well as in PDF format but it's my humble request that please do not rely on PDF there might be some mistakes in PDF. so do mainly focus on video solutions so that you can easily understand each and everything of the solution done.

All the solutions are arranged in book by book format. So please go through each book solution and do clear your doubts.

Theory of equations previous year question solutions BRABU, Bihar University Muzaffarpur

Theory of equations Previous year solution 3.05MB Vishal jihuli Vishal Kumar Singh

Linear programmingprevious year question solutions BRABU, Bihar University Muzaffarpur

Linear programming previous year solution 13.05MB . Vishal Kumar Singh

Set Theoryprevious year question solutions BRABU, Bihar University Muzaffarpur

Set Theory Previous year question solutions 33.05MB . Vishal Kumar Singh

Trigonometry previous year question solutions BRABU, Bihar University Muzaffarpur

Trigonometry Previous year solutions 3.05MB . Vishal Kumar Singh
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