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BSc physics objective questions 01

Bsc physics important objective questions BRABU Bihar university. Special theory of relativity important objective questions.

Special theory of relativity

Which of the following is invariant under galilean transformation ?

  1. Velocity
  2. Speed
  3. Acceleration
  4. Displacement

Answer:- 3

One of the postulates of special theory of relativity is

  1. Einstein
  2. Galileo
  3. Richardson
  4. Lorentz

Answer:- 4

If a moving circle is observed perpendicularly then it appears to be ?

  1. Circular
  2. Hyperbolic
  3. Parabolic
  4. Elliptical

Answer:- 4

which are the correct rules of coriolis acceleration ?

  1. Formation of cyclone
  2. Flight of missile
  3. Both of these
  4. None of these

Answer:- 3

Michelson morley experiment was based upon ?

  1. Interference of light
  2. Reflection of light
  3. Refraction of light
  4. Polarisation of light

Answer:- 1

The velocity at which the mass of a particle becomes 1.25 times to its rest mass is ?

  1. 1c
  2. 0.6c
  3. 5c
  4. None of these

Answer:- 2

The rest mass of photon is ?

  1. Zero
  2. 9.9 x 10¹⁶g
  3. 1.936 x 10³⁶g
  4. None of these

Answer:- 1

The momentum of a photon of energy "e" moving with a speed "c" is

  1. ec
  2. e/c
  3. ec²
  4. e/c²

Answer:- 2

If total energy of a body is "E" then it is equivalent to an inertial mass of ?

  1. ec
  2. e/c
  3. ec²
  4. e/c²

Answer:- 4

Value of acceleration due to gravity at pole is ?

  1. Maximum
  2. Minimum
  3. Zero
  4. None of these

Answer:- 3

One of the postulates of special theory of relativity is ?

  1. Time is relative
  2. Mass is relative
  3. Speed of light is same in all inertial frames
  4. Speed of light is relative

Answer:- 3

The value of acceleration due to gravity at equator is ?

  1. Decreases by a²R
  2. Increases by a²R
  3. Equal to a²R
  4. None of the above

Answer:- 1

Two photons approach each other then their relative velocity will be ?

  1. 2c
  2. C
  3. Zero
  4. C/2

Answer:- 2

If 1 kg mass is completely converted into energy the amount of energy obtained is ?

  1. 9 x 10¹⁶ Mev
  2. 9 x 10¹⁶ J
  3. 9 x 10¹⁶ kwh
  4. All of the above

Answer:- 2

The shape of a square moving at relativistic speed relative to a stationary observer appears to be ?

  1. Rectangular
  2. Elliptical
  3. Circular
  4. Point like

Answer:- 1

The limitations on the motion of a particle or system of particles is called ........

  1. Degree of freedom
  2. Constraints
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of these

Answer:- 2

The mass of an object can be made double to its value at rest at a speed of ?

  1. 3 x 10⁸ m/s
  2. 2.6 x 10⁸ m/s
  3. 1.6 x 10¹⁸ m/s
  4. None of the above

Answer:- 2

Galilean transformation equations are valid for ?

  1. V >>> C
  2. V <<< C
  3. V = C
  4. None of the above

Answer:- 2

The velocity "v" added relativistically to the velocity of light "C" give the result

  1. 2c
  2. C
  3. 1/2 c²

Answer:- 3

There are ............. Fundamental postulates of the special theory of relativity

  1. Two
  2. Three
  3. Four
  4. Five

Answer:- 1

Postulates of Einstein's special theory of relativity defines

  1. The laws of physical are the same to all inertial system
  2. The speed of light in free space has the same value in all nertial system
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of the above

Answer:- 3

Two particles are moving opposite direction to each other with a speed of 0.9c, then the velocity of one particle relative to other will be ?

  1. Zero
  2. 1.8c
  3. 0.9c
  4. 0.994c

Answer:- 4

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